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Duane Bryant

MD Board Certified Ophthalmologist Edit

Duane M. Bryant, M.D., M.S. Edit

Expert Witness & Consultant Edit

Chula Vista, CA Edit

Expert Witness Cases: 35-40 Edit

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Search Terms:rnOphthalmologist, Cataract, Glaucoma, Ophthalmic Trauma, Workplace Accidents, MVA, Intra-vitreal Injection, Eye Injury, Diabetic Retinopathy, Vein Occlusion, Macular Degeneration, Vision Loss/Impairment, Life Care Planning, Nexus Letters Qualifications:rnI am a seasoned ophthalmologist with over 30 years of clinical experience with cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, branch vein occlusion, central retinal vein occlusion. Surgical experience with cataracts, glaucoma, laser surgery for glaucoma, laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy, laser surgery for central vein occlusion and branch retinal vein occlusion, intravitreal Avastin injections. I have been involved in expert witness, peer chart review and IME work for more than 12 years. I am now doing Life Care Planning for cases of Visual Impairment. In addition, I am available for live video for consultation, deposition, arbitration and mediation.




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Duane Bryant has no case history listed.
Duane Bryant has no trial transcripts available. However, he does have 0 years of experience and expertise that may still be of great value to your needs. Consider contacting him for more info that may not be listed on this site.
Duane Bryant has no videos available. However, he does does have 0 years of experience and expertise that may still be of great value to your needs. Consider contacting him for more info that may not be listed on this site.
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